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Contact Us

For more information, contact Alli Warnke, department coordinator.

If you have any questions or comments, or if you'd like to make suggestions for improving our Web site, we encourage you to get in touch. Please e-mail at:

Anthony Paynea.payne@pitt.eduAdministrator Officer, Departments of Classics, East Asian Languages and Literatures, French and Italian, German, Hispanic Languages and Literatures and Slavic
Alli Warnkeamw515@pitt.eduDepartment Coordinator for Classics, Slavic and German
Andrew Grayasg147@pitt.eduAdministrative Coordinator 
Kelly Britcherksb85@pitt.eduFaculty Actions Coordinator 
Mike Orbinmio43@pitt.eduGraduate Administrator 
Laura Brookslaurabrooks@pitt.eduBusiness Coordinator