Thanks to the generosity of our friends and alumni/ae, the Department of Classics is proud to offer a variety of annual scholarships, awards, and fellowship opportunities to Classics majors, minors, and students of antiquity at the University of Pittsburgh.
Travel Fellowship
Classics Majors in both tracks with GPA (in the major) of 3.75 or above may apply for grants up to $2,500.00 to offset the cost of study abroad or travel related to their work in Classics. Preference will be given by seniority to students who have completed appropriate coursework in the Department of Classics, and who are applying for matching funds for a relevant program to which they have been accepted. Grant recipients may apply in successive years, or for multiple grants in the same year up to the $2,500 maximum. Applications due November 1 and March 1.
Summer Research Fellowships
Rising senior majors in the Department of Classics may apply for grants up to $1,500.00 to develop and pursue a research project over the summer leading to an Honors Thesis. Applicants must submit an itemized budget and secure a sponsor among the permanent Classics faculty. Preference will be given to students who have completed appropriate coursework in the department. Applications due March 1.
D. Mark Possanza Equity in Classics Fellowship
Classics majors and minors may apply for grants up to $2000 to develop and pursue a research, community outreach, creative arts, or curricular enrichment project that promotes equity in the field of Classics. Projects should demonstrably contribute to university or departmental diversity, equity, and inclusion goals (see the departmental DEI statement) and may be conducted during Fall, Spring, or Summer. Applicants must secure a sponsor among the permanent Classics faculty. Applications are due November 1 and March 1.
Robert S. Marshall Prize in Writing
Research papers written on topics related to any facet of Classical Studies (philosophy and science, history and society, art and architecture, archaeology, Greek language and literature, Latin language and literature, reception studies, religion and myth) will be considered for the Robert S. Marshall Prize in Writing. Only papers written within the previous two years are eligible, and students can only submit one paper per year. Papers must not already have won another prize, although they may be submitted simultaneously for other awards.
There are two categories for submission: Course Essay (papers on Classical Studies topics written for an undergraduate course in any discipline at the University of Pittsburgh are eligible) and Honors Thesis or Bachelor of Philosophy Thesis (theses written on Classical Studies topics for departmental honors or in partial fulfillment of a Bachelor of Philosophy degree are eligible). Submissions will be judged by the Classics faculty and monetary prizes will be awarded to the best papers in each category. Submissions are due April 15.