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Support the Classics

Why Support the Department of Classics?

Gifts to the Department of Classics have a direct impact on the daily lives of students and are applied in a variety of ways. Your support will help with one of the following.

  • Undergraduate scholarships
  • Graduate student fellowships
  • Distinguished Lecture Series
  • Graduate student travel to conferences
  • Undergraduate research
  • Outreach activities

Making a gift to the Department of Classics is quick and easy. Use the convenient online service, and follow the link to Give Online Now. Select "Other" and enter "Department of Classics" on the second page of the form.


You can also send your check made payable to the University of Pittsburgh to:

University of Pittsburgh Records Management
Park Plaza 
128 North Craig Street 
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Indicate "Department of Classics" in the subject line of your check. Call the University of Pittsburgh at 1-800-817-8943 to make your gift by phone. Thank you very much for your generosity!