The Marshall Reading Room (1502 CL) is home to the department's collection of doctoral dissertations in Classics. This collection, which celebrated its centennary in 2019, is a unique record of the imaginative and diligent young scholars who have passed through our programs, and a reminder of the department's enduring commitment to graduate education.
Year | Name | Title | In Classics Library (Yes/No) |
2019 | Brooke McLane-Higginson | Myth and Argument in Plato's Phaedo | Yes |
2014 | John J. Scanlon | Generic Enrichment, Reader Expectation, and Metapoetic Trees in Horace’s Odes | Yes |
2014 | Andrew J. Korneziewski | Killing Turnus: A Reading of Aeneas, Man of Action | Yes |
2013 | W. Gerald Heverly | Neglected Warnings in the Iliad: A Study in Characterization | Yes |
2013 | Joseph A. Tipton | An Aristocracy of Virtue: The Protagorean Background to the Periclean Funeral Speech in Thucydides | Yes |
2013 | Nicholas R. Thorne | The Unity of the Gorgias | Yes |
2012 | Christopher J. Kurfess | Restoring Parmenides’ Poem: Essays Toward a New Arrangement of the Fragments Based on a Reassessment of the Original Sources | Yes |
2011 | Erin Elizabeth O’Bryan | From Ignobile Vulgus to Rerum Dominos: The Emergence of the Roman Crowd in Vergil’s Aeneid | Yes |
2009 | Lihua Zhang | Medea and its Chinese Audience | Yes |
2007 | Benjamin Stephen Haller | Landscape Description in Homer’s Odyssey | Yes |
2005 | Tiberiu M. Popa | Aristotle on Material Dispositions in Meteorology IV | Yes |
2003 | Jana Adamitis | Accommodation and Self-Representation in Horace’s Parade Odes | Yes |
2003 | Karen Rosenbecker | Repast and Representation: The Trope of the Culinary in the Comedies of Aristophane’s | Yes |
2002 | Heike Sefrin-Weis | Homogeneity in Aristotle’s Metaphysics | Yes |
2002 | Geoffrey David Steadman | Liturgy Avoidance and the Unity of Plato’s Euthyphro | Yes |
2002 | John F. Newell | Parmenidean Irony | Yes |
1996 | Constance M. Carroll | The Use and Function of Rhetoric in Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound | Yes |
1995 | David Nelson | The Indo-European Origins of Minerva | Yes |
1992 | Helen Theodoratou | Convention and Contricance: Transition to and from the Narrative in Pindar's Odes | Yes |
1991 | David B. Seward | Divine disguise in Homer’s Iliad | Yes |
1990 | Ann T. Wilkins | Sallust’s Portrayal of Catiline | Yes |
1984 | James S. Murray | The True Rhetoric: an Analysis of Plato’s Conception of Persuasion | Yes |
1982 | Daniel Frank | The Arguments ‘From the Sciences’ in Aristotle’s Peri Ideon | Yes |
1979 | Philip D. Long | Principles of Ancient Near Eastern Parallelismus Membrorum Applied to the Interpretation of the Proem and Some Related Passages of Hesiod’s Theogony | Yes |
1977 | William J. Switala | The Incidence and Use of Alliteration in the Elegies of Propertius | Yes |
1974 | Frank A. Ameruoso | Latin in the American Public High School -- A Struggle for Survival in the Twentith Century | Yes |
1974 | June W. Allison | Preparation (Paraskeue) in Thucydides | Yes |
1971 | Joseph J. Prentiss | Linnaeus’s Senium Salomoneum: Text, Translation, and Commentary | Yes |
1965 | Margaret Held | The Influence of Menander on Roman Palliata; The Anticipations of New Comedy in Euripidean Tragedy | Yes |
1965 | Laszlo A. Borsay | Lydia, its Land and History | No |
1962 | Jerry Clack | The Chrysis of Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini | No |
1962 | Evelyn G. Guss | A Study of the Vocabulary of Aristophanes’ Plutus | No |
1962 | Paul F. Kirby | Classical References in the Letters (pre-1455 A.D.) of Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (Pope Pius II) | No |
1961 | Erving R. Mix | Marcus Atilius Regulus: Exemplum Historicum | No |
1954 | Nathan F. Harter | A Literary History of the Legend of the Argonautic Expedition through the Middle Ages | Yes |
1951 | James McCulloch | A Lexicographical Study of Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche. | Yes |
1946 | Robert H. Clark | The suppression of Intellectual Opinion in Classical Greece | Yes |
1945 | Anna W. Gerwig | Scholarship on Caesar in the Twentieth Century | Yes |
1944 | Wray Miller | An Analysis of the New Testament Vocabulary | Yes |
1944 | Lillian G. Surbled | The Figures of Speech in the Works of Horace | Yes |
1942 | Clifford Bennett | The Latin of the Roman Breviary Hymns | Yes |
1942 | William C. Panetta | The Androgynous Heracles and Transvestism | No |
1940 | John J. Sullivan | Deification in Cicero | Yes |
1939 | John J. Dillon Jr. | Marcus Tullius Cicero: Trial Lawyer | Yes |
1939 | William C. Salyer | Marica, goddess of the Auruncians | Yes |
1938 | Charles Z. Keim | Lambinus and the Greek in the text of Cicero’s Letters to Atticus | Yes |
1938 | Elizabeth A. Atwater | A history of classical scholarship in America | Yes |
1938 | Joseph Foster | The Cena trimalchionis of Petronius in the Codex Traguriensis | Yes |
1937 | John A. Johnston | First-century Homer: a study of Homer and the Homeric epics in Greek and Latin literature of the first century A.D. | Yes |
1937 | Charles M. Lee | Varro’s Menippean satires | No |
1936 | Dorothy J. Fulmer | The Tornaesius Edition of Petronius | Yes |
1936 | Nyswaner, Roy | The Use of the Praecidanea of Dousa in the Seventeenth Century Commentaries of Petronius | Yes |
1936 | Edmund O’Connell | The Quinctian Gens | Yes |
1935 | George C. Edson | Columella: an Ancient Viticulturist | Yes |
1934 | Sister Mary deChantal Leis | The Utilization of Pagan Educational Facilities by the Early Christians from the Third to the Sixth Century | Yes |
1934 | Dorothy Torreyson | Woman in the Spanish comedy of the Golden Age | Yes |
1934 | Fred A. Sochatoff | The Commentaries in the Manuscripts of d, k, m of Petronius | Yes |
1933 | Helen R. Milar | The Interrelations of MSS. A E F U of Petronius | Yes |
1933 | Nancy Miller | The Interrelations of MSS. C D G J K Q of Petronius | Yes |
1933 | Lillian S. White | The Early Editions of the Satyricon of Petronius | Yes |
1932 | Eugene W. Miller | Index Verborum of Pliny the Younger | Yes |
1931 | Kevin J. Guinagh | An Unpublished Manuscript of Reogerius Anglicus | Yes |
1931 | Mildred Daschbach | Sambucus and the Text of Petronius | No |
1930 | Elizabeth Snowden McCague | Clausuale in Petronius | Yes |
1930 | Laura M. McCurdy | The Frambotto Edition and the Codex Taguriensis of Petronius | Yes |
1929 | James Stinchcomb | Quintus Tullius Cicero | Yes |
1927 | Adelaide R. Jones | The Relation of the MSS BPR of Petronius | Yes |
1926 | Adolphus L. Alexander | Did Cicero Conform to the Rules of Oratory in the AD Herennium? | Yes |
1919 | Mary Gerard Dougherty | The Relation of the Florilegia to the Manuscript Tradition of Petronius | Yes |