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Reading Lists

Graduate Reading List for the Ph.D. in Classics, AoC Ancient Philosophy, and/or Ancient Science

The following list of Ancient Greek and Roman authors is intended to help students prepare for the Preliminary Doctoral Examination and the following Comprehensive Ph.D. Examinations:

  • Greek and Latin Literature
  • Greek and Roman History
  • Special Topic: Classical Philosophy or Ancient Science

Some of the authors listed will also be read in the required course ‘Ancient Greek and Latin Seminar’. Given that students enter the Ph.D. program with a Master’s degree in hand, it is likely that they will already have read several of the authors listed upon entering the program. Each student, in consultation with their advisor, will choose from the authors listed below and design an individual reading list that is tailored to their plan of study, taking into account exam preparation and previous reading experience.

Latin Authors

Students should read at least 500 OCT pages, selected from the works listed below, in consultation with their advisor.

ApuleiusMetamorphoses (Cupid and Psyche)
AugustineConfessions 1.6-20; 8.6-12
BoethiusDe Consolatione Philosophiae
CaesarGallic War 1-4, Civil War 1
Catullus 1-51, 64, 76, 101
CiceroIn Catilinam 1, Phillipic 2, De Re Publica (fragments as in Zetzel), De Officiis 1, De Oratore 1, LaeliusTusculans 1, Select Letters (Shackleton Bailey’s Select Letters), De Finibus 1-3 & 5, Academica 1
HoraceOdes 1, 3; Epodes 1, 6; Satires 1.1, 6, 9; 2.2, 6; Letters 1.4, 6; 2.1
Juvenal1, 3, 6, 10
Livy1, 21
OvidMetamorphoses 1, 4; Fasti 1
Petronius Cena Trimalchionis 26-72
Pliny the YoungerSelect Letters
SenecaDe IraDe Beneficiis I-II; De Tranquillitate Animi; Letters 51, 56, 79, 84, 86, 88, 114, 122
TacitusAnnales 1-4; Historiae 1, 5
VergilAeneidBucolicsGeorgics 4

Ancient Greek Authors

Students should read at least 500 OCT pages, selected from the works listed below, in consultation with their advisor.

AeschylusOresteia (Agamemnon, Eumenides)
ApolloniusConic Sections
ArchimedesThe Method of Mechanical TheoremsOn the Sphere and Cylinder
AristotleCategories 1-5, De InterpretationeTopics 1, Posterior Analytics (select passages), Metaphysics (select passages), Physics (select passages), De AnimaGeneration of Animals 1, 2; Generation and Corruption 2, Meteorology 1, 4; De Caelo 1, 2; Nicomachean Ethics (select passages)
DemosthenesPhilippics 1
Diogenes Laertius7, 10
EpicurusLetters to Herodotus & Menoeceus
EuclidElements 1, 4; OpticsPhaenomena
GalenOn the Natural Faculties 1, On the Uses of the Parts 1, On the Sects for Beginners
Herodotus1, 6, 7, 8
HesiodTheogony 1-239
HomerIliad, Odyssey
Lyric PoetryMost texts in D. Campell (Greek Lyric Poetry, 2nd ed.; skip Callinus, Phocylides, Demodocus, Pratinas, Timocreon, Praxilla, Carmina Popularia, Scolia), newly found poems of Archilochus, Sappho, Simonides
LysiasAgainst Eratosthenes
PlatoApologyCritoEuthyphro, MenoProtagoras (select passages), ParmenidesRepublic (select passages), GorgiasTimaeus (select passages), PhaedoTheaetetus (select passages), LachesSophist (select passages), PhilebusLaws 10
PlotinusEnneads 1.4, 4.8, 5.1
PlutarchLives (Pericles and Cicero)
PresocraticsB fragments Anaximander, Anaximenes, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Zeno, Empedocles, Democritus, Anaxagoras
PtolemySyntaxis 1, 10; Optics 5; Harmonics 1
Sextus Empiricus Outlines of Pyrrhonism 1
SophoclesAjaxAntigoneOedipus Rex
TheophrastusDe Causis Plantarum 1
Thucydides1-2.70, 5.84-7
XenophonMemorabilia 1, Hellenica 1