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Student Presentations from Sicily in 360°

  • Jacques A. Bromberg
  • Alexandra Cologer, Jonathan Dyer, Sophie Elvin, Reid Frye, Emily Hrynko, Gabrielle Kosobucki, Emma Lange, Tianke Li, Darien Pepple, Elise Pura, Sarah Schilpp, Joy Shon, Natalie Siracusa, Stephen Susa, Sophie Tannenbaum

As part of their presentations in Classics 1610 ("Greek Archaeology"), this year's Pitt in Sicily students created 360° videos at sites around the island. You can view the videos on YouTube by searching "Pitt in Sicily", or simply clicking here.

360° Videos, Pitt in Sicily 2017   
Alexandra CologerAgoraMegara Hyblea1:54
Jonathan DyerTeatro RomanoSiracusa2:14
Sophie ElvinTemple of JunoAgrigento1:06
Reid FryeGreek TempleSegesta1:46
Emily HrynkoTemple ESelinunte1:10
Gabrielle KosobuckiTeatro RomanoCatania1:15
Emma LangeTemple of HeraklesAgrigento1:22
Tianke LiTemple oc ConcordiaAgrigento 
Darien PeppleTemple GSelinunte1:05
Elise PuraNorth BathMorgantina1:27
Sarah SchilppTemple of ZeusAgrigento1:52
Joy ShonAcropolisSelinunte2:28
Natalie SiracusaGreek TheaterSegesta0:48
Stephen SusaTemple of Castor and PolluxAgrigento0:32
Sophie TannenbaumTemple of ApolloOrtigia (Siracusa)2:22